365 Golf Membership Pricing

Select Commitment Length

(All plans are billed on a monthly basis and will continue until paused or canceled by the member)

1 Month 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months 12 Months

Step 2: Choose Your Membership

Single Only 1 user Group Shared with up to 4 users
Unlimited 24/7 Access
Unlimited Hours Per Month
Single (1 User)
$295 per month
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Group (Up to 4 Users)
$395 per month
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Moderate 24/7 Access
Up to 24 Hours Per Month
Single (1 User)
$145 per month
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Group (Up to 4 Users)
$195 per month
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Lite 24/7 Access
Up to 8 Hours Per Month
Single (1 User)
$95 per month
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Group (Up to 4 Users)
$95 per month
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Night Owl 11pm to 7am Access Only
Unlimited Hours Per Month
Single (1 User)
$100 per month
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Group (Up to 4 Users)
$150 per month
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Night Owl Lite 11pm to 7am Access Only
Up to 8 Hours Per Month
Single (1 User)
$50 per month
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Group (Up to 4 Users)
$50 per month
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Annual Subscriptions Pay Yearly Instead of Monthly
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Member Benefits

  • Keyless 24/7 access to all 365 Golf Locations
    • Night Owls only have access from 11pm to 7am
  • Advanced Reservations:
    • Unlimited: 60 days
    • Moderate: 45 days
    • Lite: 30 days
    • Night Owls: 30 days
  • Bring up to 7 guests at no extra cost
  • Option to book 2 bays simultaneously


  • All plans include a daily maximum of 4 bay hours, accommodating either one bay for 4 hours or two bays for 2 hours.


The first month’s payment is prorated. Subsequent payments will be automatically processed on the 1st of each month until the membership is cancelled by the member or a written request is provided to our team to pause your membership. Written requests may be provided days or months in advance of desired end date.

Early Cancellation

If you choose to cancel before fulfilling your commitment, an early cancellation fee will apply.

  • For 3 and 6-month commitments, a fee equivalent to one month will be assessed.
  • For 9 and 12-month commitments, a fee equivalent to two months will be assessed.


How do I sign up?

  1. First choose the commitment length that is right for you (longer commitments = more savings to you) .
  2. Decide how many hours you want access to the facility per month.
  3. Decide if you want a Single membership or Group membership.
  4. Continue through the checkout process to sign up.  Once you complete your first payment you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the building, schedule tee times, grant facility access to other users (if on a group plan), sign the liability waiver, and to create a TrackMan account.

Sign up Now

How do I access the facility?

When you sign up for a membership you will receive several emails.  One of the emails will include instructions to download the PDK app and activate your mobile credential. If you signed up for a group membership you will have one more step which is to click on the “Resources” tab and then “Request PDK Credentials” page and request credentials for your authorized sub users.

For $20 each, you may also request a key fob(s) as an alternative method to accessing the facility.  If you would like to purchase a key fob please reach out to us at info@my365golf.com

How do I book a tee time?

We use a tool called Skedda to manage the availability of our golf bays. When you sign up for a membership, you will receive an email with a link to create your own Skedda account. You will immediately be able to book the bays up to the limit of your membership.

There can only be one Skedda account per membership.  Please make sure that the authorized users from your group will all have access to the shared Skedda account you will be creating so you and your sub-users can all book their own tee times.

How do my sub users access the facility?

If you are on a group plan then you can add up to 3 sub users where the 4 of you will collectively share the plan’s hours. When you first purchase your membership we will automatically send credentials to the primary user.  From our navigation, you will then need to go to “Resources” -> “Request PDK Access” to request credentials for your sub users.  If your membership is current and valid our system will send credentials to each of your sub users.  If credentials are not received, reach out to info@my365golf.com and we can help out.

What is counted as an hour?

Hours are calculated per bay and not per head. For example, you bring 4 guests and use 1 bay for 2 hours. This only uses up 2 hours of your daily & monthly allotment.  If you book both bays at the same time for 2 hours then you will have used 4 hours of your daily & monthly allotment.

What happens to unused hours?

Hour allotments restart at the beginning of each month.  We do not roll over unused hours month to month to ensure that all of our members will have fair access to our facility each month.  Many other facilities limit access on a weekly basis, so if you are gone for a week, you lose those hours.

Can I book the venue for a private event?

Our members already have the capability of booking both bays simultaneously for up to 2 hours per day or one bay for up to 4 hours per day.

If you are interested in booking both bays for longer than 2 hours or you are not a member please reach out to Bruce or Mark to discuss pricing and dates.

In addition, we encourage you to consider having your event catered. You are welcome to work out the details with your own caterer. However, we have a preferred caterer that is very familiar with putting on events in our facility. Please send an email to events@my365golf.com for pricing, food options, available dates, etc.

Will my membership automatically cancel after the initial commitment period?

No, your membership will continue on a month-to-month basis after the initial commitment period unless you choose to pause or cancel it. Subsequent payments will be processed monthly until you decide to make changes to your subscription. Any changes must be made within your account or in writing to our team before the 1st of the month when payments are processed.

If you know you only want your membership to run for the commitment length you signed up for please email us at info@my365golf.com with your requested pause/end date and we will schedule your membership to cancel automatically for you. If we do not receive a written request your membership will continue until manually cancelled.

Can I upgrade / downgrade my membership?

We understand that our members prefer to use our facilities more during the cold winter months than during the summer when the golf courses are open.  This is why we allow our members to upgrade / downgrade their membership throughout the year.  So if you want unlimited hours during the winter and only 24 hours during the summer you can adjust your membership accordingly.  You just have to upgrade/downgrade within your my365golf.com account or reach out to someone from our team.

Please note that upgrading/downgrading doesn’t restart or change your commitment length.

Please reach out to our team if you would like to upgrade your commitment length to lock in better monthly pricing.

How do I cancel my membership?

We are sorry to see that you are looking to cancel your membership.  Did you know that we offer the option to downgrade your membership to fewer hours as an alternative to cancelling?

If you still would like to cancel your membership and you are outside of your commitment period you can cancel your membership from within your my365golf.com account.

If you want to cancel your membership in the middle of a commitment period you will need to reach out to a member of our team.  Please note that you will be assessed an early cancellation fee for cancelling early.  3 and 6 month commitments will be assessed a fee equivalent to one month while 9 and 12 month commitments will be assessed a fee equivalent to two months.

Please note that membership fees are processed on the 1st of each month.  You must cancel prior to the 1st of the month to avoid paying for an additional month. (You can cancel anytime during the month and your membership will continue until the end of the month)

What is the difference between sub users and guests?

Primary User: We refer to the person who signed up for the membership as the primary user. The primary user is the only user who has Skedda access.

Sub User: Our members on group plans may have additional users that each have their own access to the facility.  They do not have access to their own Skedda account.  Sub users must schedule their tee-times using the primary user’s Skedda account.

Authorized User: Primary and sub users are authorized users.

Guests: Primary and sub users are welcome to bring guests with them to 365 Golf for no additional charge.  An authorized user must be present for a guest to attend.